Butte 4-C's has completed our transition period with Child Care Resources and will no longer be processing Best Beginnings applications.
All new applications and renewal applications must be sent to Child Care Resources in Missoula.
For more information where to send applications please go to Child Care Resources.
The FLOC (Families Leading Our Community) is a parent group that works to make sure that the changes being worked on in our community are for parents, by parents. The FLOC meet regularly at different locations and promote social contentedness and peer support for the families of Butte-Silver Bow.
SafeCare is a free, evidence-based program that provides information and resources to families with children age 0-5 in the areas of health, safety, parent/child interaction, communication, and problem solving. Families spend one-on-one time with a SafeCare professional each week for approximately four to six months. SafeCare is available in most of Southwest Montana.
Do you want to expand your parenting skills?
Please join us to deepen your understanding of child growth and development and take an active and positive approach to parenting. The Butte 4-C's offers a fun and informative parenting curriculum to foster your growth as your child's most important teacher!
At times all parents feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you. The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
Duration of Class: 8-week course
Who should attend: Caregivers of children 4 months-5 years old
How to register: Contact Sarah at (406) 723-4019
We provide professional supervised visitation services for families dealing with child custody issues or court ordered visitation. Parents complete an intake appointment with a Connecting Families Coordinator to provide information about their family. Each parent has their own intake appointment. Supervised visits are set up to accommodate the parents, children, and the Connecting Families Coordinator. Intake appointments are approximately one hour with a $30 fee per parent. Supervised visits are generally one hour per week with a $37 fee per hour. Contact us for more information.
Bright by Text is a free texting service that allows parents with children prenatal to 8 to get text messages about free and low cost local events and resources as well as information about development and support based on their child’s age. Click HERE to learn more.
Hopa Mountain
Hopa Mountain’s StoryMakers program provides parents of children ages 0-5 with high-quality books and early learning resources to support them as they read, sing, and talk positively with their children every day. HealthMakers provides health-related resources to families.
A growing body of research confirms that a strong early-learning home environment predicts children’s success in school and long-term health outcomes. Strong early literacy skills is also linked to health and economic self-sufficiency in adulthood.
Energy Share Montana
Energy Share of Montana is a nonprofit organization that helps Montanans overcome energy emergencies and move towards self-reliance.
Energy Share was established by a group of concerned people representing utility companies and nonprofit agencies. They recognized the need to help people who don’t necessarily qualify for government programs but still need a “hand up” at times.
Because Energy Share is a private non-profit organization, and not a government program, we have some flexibility outside of the established federal poverty guidelines with who we can help. A big difference between Energy Share and the federally-funded energy assistance program (LIEAP) is that every Energy Share application and situation presented within those applications is considered individually. We consider income, but help people based on the need, the individual situation, and level of emergency.
Energy Share is not a yearly subsidy and normally not available more than once every ten years or so depending on the situation. Many people don’t want to, or refuse to accept, what they consider to be a “hand-out”. If someone feels that way, they can give back to Energy Share in the form of “repayments”. The money will go back to that area to help someone else in need.
If you or someone you know finds themselves in a situation where they can’t pay their home energy costs, and they are about to have their heat source terminated, please contact the Human Resource Development Council that serves your county (see the Bill Assistance page on this website) or call the statewide Energy Share office at 1-888-779-7589.