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Adult Students


Child care provider in Montana must attend at least sixteen hours of professional development each year. Butte 4-C's offers a variety of in-person and virtual training opportunities throughout the year. Butte 4-C's classes are also available to parents to attend.
*click link to register
*limit 2 people per computer screen when attending virtually

* Early Childhood Essentials is now offered online at​​​


Training Calendar​​





























*CPR and first aid must both state "pediatric" on your card.


CPR/First Aid is offered once per month in-person at the Butte 4-C's. Call the Butte 4-C’s to register.

  • You cannot register for this course online.

  • ECP training hours are not available.

  • Cost is $72.

  • If you plan to pay with a card, the charge will be $75 or up depending on payment type. 

  • Payment must be paid in full to reserve your spot.


Didn't get your certificate or need help finding your certificate Follow this link:

Find My Certificate


NEXT CLASS:   January           20th

                          February         17th 


*Online only CPR/First Aid courses are no longer accepted. 


cpr increase.png
Teacher with Pupils
The Early Childhood Project houses the statewide training calendar. Both in-person and online training options are listed. The calendar gives you access to training in our region and across the state.
CCT_Logo_stacked_Color_HR.png offers only online training options specifically for child care providers.
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