Attend the Butte-Silver Bow proclamation on April 1st at 10am at the Butte-Silver Bow Courthouse
Wear blue on Monday's throughout the month of April (#GoBlue) and share on social media to show your support. Don't forget to tag @butte4cs and @buttecares and use hashtags #GoBlue #StrongFamilies #SafeKids #GrowingBetterTogether #CAPM.
Share other activities through social media using the hashtags #GoBlue #StrongFamilies #SafeKids #GrowingBetterTogether #CAPM
Color or make your own pinwheels (pinwheels for prevention).
Encourage your church to participate in Blue Sunday on April 30th! More info here.
Do your part to educate others and spread awareness about child abuse prevention.
Child Sexual Abuse

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
Perinatal & Postpartum Period
PMADS (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders)

Describe your image

Describe your image

Supports & Resources
Report suspected child abuse or neglect: 1-866-820-5437
LIFTS: an online guide to supports, resources, and family friendly events

Click the logo above to find local events, resources, and supports!​