Early Childhood is making their way into the Legislature! Early Childhood IS an essential business... without it... people could not work.
There are a few bills currently active in Legislature. Below is a list of the bills and what each would do. If you are the Advocate type you can reach out to your representative and let them know what you think. Whether you are for the bill or against it let your voice be heard!
Early childhood is on the table! Lets get heard! Advocacy is Key!
Below are the bills and what each stands for as well as how to contact!
House Bill 556 (Rep. Carlson) would do away with licensing requirements for home-based child care providers caring for 8 or fewer children. Not being required to have a license would mean that child care providers who would work with up to 8 children at a time would have no oversight and no assurance of safety or quality. HB 556 has a hearing TODAY in the House Human Services Committee, and they need to hear from you.
Contact the House Human Services Committee by sending them a message at https://leg.mt.gov/web-messaging/ or calling the Capitol Switchboard at (406) 444-4800 (open weekdays from 7:30am to 5 pm).
Senate Bill 376 (Sen. Bogner) would prohibit Home Owners' Associations (HOAs) from prohibiting the provision of chi
ld care. SB 376 has a hearing on Friday at 2:30 pm in the Senate Local Government Committee.
Contact the Senate Local Government Committee by sending them a message at https://leg.mt.gov/web-messaging/ or calling the Capitol Switchboard at (406) 444-4800 (open weekdays from 7:30 am to 5 pm).
If you would like to testify in support of the bill in the hearing, use this link to register to testify remotely. The deadline to register is tomorrow (Thursday) at 5 pm.
House Bill 187 (Rep. Buckley) would make it more difficult for HOAs to shut down in-home childcare facilities. HB 187 passed the House and has a hearing TOMORROW morning in the Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee.
Contact the Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee by sending them a message at https://leg.mt.gov/web-messaging/ or calling the Capitol Switchboard at (406) 444-4800 (open weekdays from 7:30 am to 5 pm).